「 You have a hollowed out heart 你僅剩的仁慈早已被掏空
But it's heavy in your chest 但你盛氣凌人地主宰著一切
I try so hard to fight it 我試著抵擋這排山倒海的傷害
But it's hopeless 卻始終徒勞無功 」
[委託翻譯] Demi Lovato在復出專輯Unbroken裡頭 闡述家暴陰影的撕心裂肺之作
「 You have a hollowed out heart 你僅剩的仁慈早已被掏空
But it's heavy in your chest 但你盛氣凌人地主宰著一切
I try so hard to fight it 我試著抵擋這排山倒海的傷害
But it's hopeless 卻始終徒勞無功 」
[委託翻譯] Demi Lovato在復出專輯Unbroken裡頭 闡述家暴陰影的撕心裂肺之作